403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access this server.
Attention Silver Salon Forum members.
If your ISP is (knowingly or unknowingly) hosting one of the bad robots then it is possible that your computer/IP will get blocked accessing the Silver Salon Forums. You will know you are blocked from the Silver Salon Forums if you are able get to the www.SMPub.com site but when you try to get to http://www.smpub.com/cgi-bin/ubb/Ultimate.cgi you get this message.
If this happens, please email us from your registered SSF email address and we will create a special access permission for your computer/IP (as long as your computer is not infected and you have an unchanging IP).
If you are NOT also able get to the www.SMPub.com site then we have had too many hack attempts from your IP range and have blocked the IP range from accessing our entire site. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER ABOUT THIS!
If you are a registered Silver Salon Forums member and you are blocked from accessing www.SMPub.com, please email us from your registered SSF email address and we will create a special access permission for your computer/IP (as long as your computer is not infected and you have an unchanging IP).