Topic: Beware - FCC Plans December Vote to Kill Net Neutrality Rules
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-20-2017 01:16 PM
If you are not familiar how FCC Plans a December Vote to Kill Net Neutrality should be.If the the Net Neutrality Rules are changed then your Internet Provider could decide whether you are allowed to access the Silver Salon Forums. There is lots of info to be found internet about Net Neutrality today. If the rules go away it might all disappear. If you are interested in saving Net Neutrality then see: IP: Logged |
Polly Posts: 1970 Registered: Nov 2004
posted 11-20-2017 01:24 PM
Call your reps and oppose this!IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-20-2017 02:08 PM
As Polly says Call your reps and oppose this!The FCC chairman's bad actions need to be brought to the attention of everyone - e-mail everyone you know and ask them to call their elected representatives to put a stop to the FCC chairman's bad actions.... the Net Neutrality Rules need to be retained without change. IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-20-2017 02:25 PM
If you don't want to research this topic yourself, then give a look. gives a good overview on many of the issues including Net Neutrality.They are seeking donations so if calling is not something you'd do then consider making a donation. Please learn about the issues ...
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-22-2017 10:52 AM
If you get your phone service via cable/fiber/wireless then you are mostly using the Internet service called VOIP when you use your phone.The loss of the Net Neutrality Rules will impact VOIP. Here's a article that helps to explain: quote: How does the 2017 Net Neutrality Debate Affect VoIP?Posted on: 2017-07-25 | Categories:VoIP Services The term net neutrality crops up in Internet debate every few years. It almost seems like a cycle at this point – the FCC proposes a new rule on the topic, there is an uproar about the topic for a few days and then everything dies down. Lather, rinse and repeat every couple of years. It is no wonder that consumers and even businesses have become desensitized to the issue. However net neutrality affects the way businesses function and how services are delivered to individuals and organizations alike. Given that more and more of our activities take place online, any change in the net neutrality rules can drastically affect Internet usage, media consumption and other online processes like banking or gaming. Perhaps the biggest problem here is that the net neutrality debate is not a simple one. You can’t just make a simple list of the pros and cons and decide which side is better. Few people can predict the consequences of any change in net neutrality principles or how it will affect a particular industry. Many businesses now rely on the Internet for various workflows. For example, VoIP providers offer enterprise phone services to their clients over data networks. Any change in net neutrality will certainly affect the VoIP industry. What Is Net Neutrality? There are many definitions of net neutrality but it boils down to the principle that all data on the Internet should be treated the same. No entity – such as an ISP or even the government – should be able to control the speed at which data travels or how specific content is delivered to customers. This means no data throttling, no censoring of content or any other discrimination that favors one group over another. How does this affect the Internet use of the average customer? The current net neutrality rules prevent ISPs from charging different rates for accessing different websites or for speeding up certain content over others. For instance, your ISP can’t charge you more for accessing YouTube versus another video streaming website. It also means that content providers cannot just pay the ISP to deliver their own images, videos or movies at higher speeds than the competition. However the pros and cons of net neutrality affect more than Netflix or YouTube. It can – and will – affect entire industries ranging from VoIP to banking. How Does Net Neutrality Affect VoIP in 2017? The current Open Internet Order was implemented in 2015 and assures net neutrality to American customers. However the current FCC chairman has proposed a new rule that would repeal the above order. This will remove the barriers preventing ISPs from differentiating between various types of content. Since VoIP data is also a type of content, the repeal of net neutrality will affect this industry as well. It’s not that difficult to visualize what would happen if the Open Internet Order is repealed. Businesses rely on high-speed Internet to get phone services from hosted VoIP vendors. So what happens in the absence of net neutrality? ISPs will be able to charge either VoIP vendors or businesses higher fees for accessing VoIP services. Conversely they can slow down VoIP data over their networks which can affect voice quality on calls. Consider this example scenario. Suppose you are now paying $X per month to your ISP for certain Internet speeds. It doesn’t matter whether you use that bandwidth for streaming movies, making voice calls or having group conference calls. Without net neutrality rules, the ISP can arbitrarily decide to charge your company $X for normal data and $Y for VoIP data. What happens if you don’t want to pay the extra fees? Your ISP can slow down VoIP data only, thereby threatening your phone services which depend on high speed Internet. Internet providers can even demand payment from the VoIP providers themselves. An ISP may decide to charge a certain fee for allowing VoIP data through their network, even though they are not improving service in any manner. Such payments can become a significant barrier to entry for new VoIP providers. It can force existing vendors out of business since they cannot afford the extra charges. Smaller businesses may be forced to consolidate with bigger players thus reducing competition in the field. The same competition that is fueling the current trend of furious innovation within the VoIP industry can be stifled in the absence of net neutrality rules. Internet providers, VoIP vendors, content creators and media broadcasting companies all have a stake in this debate. The vast majority of products and services rely on the Internet in some form or the other. Any change in net neutrality rules can alter the nature of the Internet as we know it. There is no doubt that such a change will have consequences for the VoIP industry as well.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-22-2017 01:27 PM
quote: The FCC's Plan to End Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Candace Clement November 21, 2017The details of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to destroy Net Neutrality are out. And they’re even worse than expected. Our lawyers and policy experts are reviewing the reports and gathering details about Pai's plan. This is our first read on the most important details you need to know about this proposal. We will update this post as new details emerge. The FCC plan will: - End Title II protections and erase the three Net Neutrality rules passed at the FCC in 2015 and upheld in court last year.
- Legalize internet blocking and discrimination by Comcast, AT&T and Verizon, no questions asked.
- Permit throttling back the speeds of different kinds of websites and apps.
- Encourage paid prioritization — sticking most sites and apps in the slow lane and reserving the fast lane for the few wealthy companies that can afford special treatment.
So what will protect us from ISPs that want to censor political speech or stop competition to their old cable-TV and telephone businesses? According to Pai's proposal, companies like Comcast don't require rules or enforcement to behave. In place of laws and rules, Pai is counting on “public shaming” to keep companies in line. As for Pai, he’s clearly shameless. We've shown time and again that Title II of the Communications Act is the best and only foundation for Net Neutrality rules we have right now. And it gives the FCC the authority to enforce other important rules about broadband affordability, privacy and competition. Title II works, plain and simple. But this has never been about the truth for Ajit Pai. Pai admitted in April, even before he launched this process, that he'd made up his mind to abandon real Net Neutrality. He has lied, repeatedly, about the impact of Net Neutrality on broadband investment. And he has ignored tens of millions of public comments opposing his plans. The FCC will vote on Pai's plan on Dec. 14: We need to throw everything we've got at this fight in the next three weeks. We’re planning protests across the country, mobilizing thousands of calls to Washington and planning a big rally outside the FCC on Dec. 14. This is a wake-up call for all of us. We need to fight and we need to do it now if we want to save the internet.
quote: BREAKING: Trump’s FCC Chair, Ajit Pai, just released his plan to kill net neutrality.Pai’s plan scraps the legal requirements underpinning Title II regulations and opens the door to internet slow lanes and monopolies over broadband networks. And Pai has scheduled a December 14 vote—just three weeks from now—to approve his plan. Pai has said that he believes that Big Cable should regulate itself when it comes to the free and open internet. But even with net neutrality rules in place, companies such as Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast have broken the regulations over and over and over. In just two years, the FCC has received more than 40,000 net neutrality complaints from consumers.2 If Title II protections are allowed to be overturned, we will go back to the days when Big Cable throttled websites based on what internet companies paid, blocked traffic to sites that competed with their own services, and redirected sites without user permission—all with impunity. Thanks for standing with us, David Segal, Demand Progress We're launching a nationwide day of protests to hit Pai's Big Cable overlords at Verizon where it hurts, and make sure Congress knows we're united for net neutrality. That's why today, we're announcing a massive day of protests at Verizon storefronts across the country to hit Big Cable and Pai where it hurts. On December 7, we're staging protests at Verizon locations around the country. Verizon—Pai's former employer—will be at the peak of its holiday sales, and we’re going to disrupt its business just like it plans to disrupt net neutrality. We're going to send a strong message to Congress: We will not rest until net neutrality is secured as the law of the land.
quote: This is it. Today, Verizon-lawyer-turned-FCC-Chair Ajit Pai released his final plan to kill net neutrality.It’s a great early Christmas present for Verizon, Comcast, and the rest of Big Cable, but terrible news for pretty much everyone else who uses the internet. Before becoming Trump’s FCC Chair, Ajit Pai was a top lawyer at Verizon. And he’s acting like he’s still on their payroll. Instead of looking out for ordinary Americans who depend on a free and open internet for their healthcare, education, and livelihoods, Pai is paving the way for monopolistic ISPs to block and censor what we see online, and push anyone who can’t pay extra fees into “internet slow lanes.” The impact on free speech and innovation online will be devastating. Pai and his buddies on Team Cable have gone out of their way to make it sound like they support the free and open internet, just not the supposedly “burdensome regulations” of Title II. But make no mistake: Without Title II, there. is. no. net. neutrality. Verizon may think it's won control of the internet thanks to its crony at the FCC. But what they really did is awake the fury of the internet. Already today, internet users made an astonishing 75,000 phone calls to Congress through Now we need to take that energy and hit Verizon where it hurts – their profits – with protests at their stores during the busy holiday shopping season. We won’t kid you – we are one very big step closer to losing net neutrality for good. But all is not lost. There are still dozens of lawmakers on the fence who can intervene and force Pai back from this awful plan to kill net neutrality. They need to see and hear an enormous public outcry before they will act – and that’s why many of these protests will march afterward to nearby district offices for members of Congress and demand action. Thanks for taking action, Carli Stevenson Campaigner Demand Progress We’re not backing down from defending the internet we all know and love. Today we’re announcing December 7 will be a massive, nationwide day of protests at Verizon stores across the country. Join your fellow internet users December 7 to save net neutrality. Find a Verizon store protest near you. P.S. Don’t see a Verizon store protest in your city yet? Click here to start your own. It’s easy and we’ll be in touch with all the info you’ll need.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-23-2017 09:46 AM
Trump's FCC Chair Ajit Pai - a bad man with an even worse plan.Yesterday Trump's FCC Chair Ajit Pai finally released his plan to kill net neutrality. He thought by announcing his plan right before Thanksgiving, internet users wouldn't notice. But in the past 24 hours alone, we've driven in a record-shattering 200,000 phone calls to Congress calling on them to step in and stop Pai's plan. Now we need to keep up the pressure. Congress is feeling the heat on this issue like never before. We have three weeks before the FCC is scheduled to vote on Pai's plan to kill the internet as we know it. We saw with the healthcare fight that when ordinary Americans pull out all the stops and don't let up, we can force Congress to stop policies that harm our communities. Click here right away to tell your member of Congress: Stop the Trump FCC's attack on net neutrality! Thanks, Kurt Walters IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 11-28-2017 10:49 AM
Freedom of the Internet = Freedom of Speech Ending net neutrality is ANTI-constitutional! We have just a few weeks to save net neutrality.Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can control what we see & do online. First, they want to gut FCC rules. Then, they plan to pass bad legislation that allows extra fees, throttling & censorship. But Congress can put a stop to all of this. Write them first, then call! Want to do more? Attend a protest! The new chairman of the FCC was a top lawyer at Verizon. And now he's calling for a vote to kill net neutrality, as a gift to his former employer. So on December 7th we’re protesting outside Verizon retail stores across the U.S. to demand that Congress stop the FCC from destroying the Internet as we know it. Attend a protest near you IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-06-2017 03:28 PM
quote: The new chairman of the FCC was a top lawyer at Verizon. Now he's calling for a vote to kill net neutrality. We’re protesting at retail stores across the U.S. to demand that Congress stop Verizon’s puppet FCC from destroying the Internet as we know it. JOIN THE PROTEST DEC 7 • VERIZON STORES • NATIONWIDE
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-11-2017 09:20 PM
Tuesday, December 12th, "Break the Internet"IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-14-2017 12:48 PM
Team Internet is defending the web. Join us!The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set on killing net neutrality rules that keep the Internet free from censorship, throttling, and extra fees. But if we show Congress a massive groundswell of support for the open Internet, *they* can stop the FCC, and prevent the passage of ISP-backed legislation that ends net neutrality forever. We are a bold network of volunteers combining people power with technology to coordinate Internet users from across the nation to pressure Congress locally. By signing up, you’ll get connected to hundreds of other volunteers and organizers and receive the training and support needed to help organize net neutrality advocates to visit their local congressional offices and recruit others in their community to join them! The Internet has given more of us a voice than ever before. Now is the time to step up and save it. Sign up now to get started.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-14-2017 12:59 PM
quote: Congress can overrule the FCC vote. This is how. The FCC is about to gut net neutrality rules, letting Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast control what we can see and do online with new fees, throttling, and censorship. But we can get Congress to stop this—by passing a "Resolution of Disapproval" to overturn the FCC vote. We can win. Write and call Congress now! CLICK HERE
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-15-2017 11:58 AM
This round of the fight for Net Neutrality was lost  But there are several lawsuits that might get this reversed..heres one: quote: free press action fund We're suing the FCCURGENT: The FCC just voted to destroy Net Neutrality and let companies violate our digital civil rights. We’re taking them to court. Chip in $10 (or whatever you can) to help fuel the fight. We’re suing the FCC over its shameful decision to destroy the Net Neutrality rules. Chairman Pai and the two other Republican commissioners voted to destroy the open internet, ignoring the voices of tens of millions of people and handing control of the internet to companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon. These companies are now free to carve the internet into fast and slow lanes. They could block or slow down any content, services or apps they choose — and even silence political speech they disagree with. This is terrifying for anyone using the internet to organize for justice and challenge the powerful. We won’t stand for it.
Without Net Neutrality the issues are bigger and more dangerous than just "using the internet to organize for justice and challenge the powerful"!! For example, most home based phone and security systems are utilizing the Internet. If your Internet provider discriminates than your 911 call might not get through or might take much longer to get through. The average non-technical person may not see or understand what the broader/diverse issues are until they get hurt.  IP: Logged |
Polly Posts: 1970 Registered: Nov 2004
posted 12-16-2017 07:14 PM
How will our democracy survive this? IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-20-2017 04:56 PM
The FCC voted to gut the Title II Net Neutrality protections last week, but the fight to save the open internet is far from over. With the help of Congress we can revive Net Neutrality.Using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), Congress can pass a “resolution of disapproval” to restore the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules. Call your lawmakers and tell them to reverse the FCC's Net Neutrality repeal today. quote: Make the Call: Tell Congress to Save Net NeutralityThe FCC vote to gut the Net Neutrality protections — willfully ignoring the outcry from millions of people — cannot stand. That’s why we’re urging Congress to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to pass a “resolution of disapproval” to overturn this vote. The CRA empowers Congress to review new regulations and pass a joint resolution of disapproval to overrule regulations it doesn’t approve of. Think of it as a double negative: If we repeal the FCC’s repeal, we could end up right back where we started — with the strong Net Neutrality rules we had before. All we need is 30 senators to get the bill to the floor, and then a simple majority to pass the resolution. And this averts the threat of Congress passing an industry-friendly bill that would leave us with a watered-down version of the rules we once had. Urge lawmakers to reverse the FCC's Net Neutrality-killing vote today.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-21-2017 02:47 PM
quote: How Congress Can Save Net Neutrality: A Step-by-Step Breakdown Collette Watson Dana Floberg Matt Wood December 20, 2017If you’re passionate about Net Neutrality, you may be wondering what we can do now that the FCC has voted to repeal the rules protecting it. You may have even heard that Congress is the next venue in the fight. But what exactly can Congress do? Lawmakers can overturn the FCC’s vote. Using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), a previously obscure regulation that’s been all the rage this year in Washington, Congress can use a fast-track legislative process to review and reverse new decisions from federal agencies. In other words, Congress could use the CRA to pass a resolution rejecting what this FCC has done. That resolution of disapproval would overturn last week’s vote and restore the strong Net Neutrality protections we won in 2015, including the firm legal grounding of Title II. Here’s a quick look at how that process would work: 1. FCC starts the clock: The FCC voted to repeal Net Neutrality, but it still has to publish the rules in the Federal Register and take other steps to get final approval for its decision. Once all of that happens, Congress has 60 “legislative days” to pass a joint resolution of disapproval using the CRA. 2. Get through relevant committees: Once members of the House and Senate introduce a resolution, it then makes its way through the appropriate committees in each chamber. Good news: If majority leaders try to prevent a vote, there are ways for a simple majority of the House — or even just 30 senators — to push past them and still get the resolution to the floor. 3. Win a majority: The Senate can’t filibuster a joint resolution of disapproval. There’s a limited amount of time set aside for debate, and it needs only a simple majority to pass in the Senate (not the 60 votes often required to move ahead with a vote). This year we’ve already seen lawmakers from both sides of the aisle speak up in support of maintaining the FCC’s strong Net Neutrality rules, so a victory is within reach — even with Congress controlled by Republican leadership that’s been hostile to internet-freedom concerns (plus a whole range of other economic, social and racial-justice issues). 4. Sign the resolution: Once passed, the joint resolution heads to Trump’s desk. If the president ignores the will of millions of constituents from both ends of the political spectrum and takes a hard stand against Net Neutrality by vetoing this resolution, don’t worry: Free Press and our allies will sue the FCC — as will attorneys general across the nation. What you can do: Make it utterly toxic for politicians to oppose Title II Net Neutrality. That means calling out any lawmaker who hasn’t made an unequivocal public statement of support. Visit the scoreboard at BattleForTheNet to see where your lawmaker stands, then get your community to take action. Make sure that everyone you know is talking about the importance of the open internet — especially for people of color and other marginalized communities. Together, we can motivate Congress to protect our digital civil rights. Get started now: Call your lawmakers and tell them to overturn the FCC’s disastrous Net Neutrality decision.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 12-22-2017 04:56 PM
A good video that explains the net neutrality rules:The Internet is under attack. This is the Battle for the Net. (watch the video while you can) IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-05-2018 11:34 AM
Breaking news: we’re launching a major new campaign to save net neutrality in 2018.As of this morning, 29 senators have signed on to support a Congressional Review Act (CRA) vote to completely overturn the FCC’s corrupt repeal of net neutrality. To learn more about how the CRA works watch this Youtube video We only need ONE MORE SENATOR to force a vote to the Senate floor. SO contact your Senator Really just one more so call your senator and ask them to sign on to saving Net neutrality with the CRA. That’s why we’re launching a simple but hard-hitting plan to save the Internet: if they don’t vote for net neutrality, we’ll vote them out in 2018.
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June Martin Forum Master Posts: 1326 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-05-2018 04:36 PM
Interesting to note that the FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, was supposed to speak at the big Vegas consumer electronics show next week but canceled due to death threats. Some posit that it is related to the net neutrality decision.IP: Logged |
Polly Posts: 1970 Registered: Nov 2004
posted 01-05-2018 06:06 PM
Scott, is there a list of which senators have (or haven't) signed on, so we'll know how to focus our persuasive energy?IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-05-2018 06:16 PM
I'll bet there is but I don't have it. If you find one please post it.IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-06-2018 11:31 AM
From Dec 17: quote: Senator Markey Leads Resolution to Restore FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules.... Senators co-sponsoring the CRA resolution include Markey, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii.), Richard Blumenthal (D–Conn.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Sherrod Brown (D-O.H.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.)
From January 05: quote:
Here Are the 19 Senate Democrats Still Not Committed to Defending Net Neutrality..... In addition to Sen. King, the Independent from Maine, what follows is thefull list of the Democratic senators who have yet to sign on to Markey's resolution: Cory Booker (D-N.J.) Tom Carper (D-Del.) Bob Casey (D-Pa.) Chris Coons (D-Del.) Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) Doug Jones (D-Ala.) Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) Patty Murray (D-Wash.) Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) Tina Smith (D-Minn.) Jon Tester (D-Mont.) Tom Udall (D-N.M.) Mark Warner (D-Va.)
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-08-2018 05:41 PM
They believe they have 30, but they really need more because if any drop out then its over. Keep reaching out to the senators who haven't signed on. Let them know they need to sign on or risk being voted out of office.IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-09-2018 04:59 PM
"Thanks to your help, the bill now has 42 co-sponsors — 12 more than the minimum needed to force a floor vote and just 9 shy of what we need to win the vote in the Senate." quote: Make the Call: Tell Congress to Save Net NeutralityThe FCC vote to gut the Net Neutrality protections — willfully ignoring the outcry from millions of people — cannot stand. That’s why we’re urging Congress to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to pass a “resolution of disapproval” to overturn this vote. The CRA empowers Congress to review new regulations and pass a joint resolution of disapproval to overrule regulations it doesn’t approve of. Think of it as a double negative: If we repeal the FCC’s repeal, we could end up right back where we started — with the strong Net Neutrality rules we had before.1 On Dec. 14, Sen. Ed Markey (D–Massachusetts) introduced a resolution that would overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality-killing order. Thanks to your help, the bill now has 42 co-sponsors — 12 more than the minimum needed to force a floor vote and just 9 shy of what we need to win the vote in the Senate.2 These numbers should be celebrated as a victory, but we haven’t won yet. For Congress to reverse the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal, we need to win a simple majority in both chambers. Call your senators and representative today and tell them to join the effort to restore the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules. Using the CRA to overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality vote is the best option we have to restore the open-internet rules. This would also bypass the threat of Congress passing an industry-friendly bill that would leave us with a watered-down version of the rules we once had. Urge your members of Congress to use the CRA to reverse the FCC's Net Neutrality-killing vote today. 1. “How Congress Can Save Net Neutrality: A Step-by-Step Breakdown,” Free Press Action Fund, Dec. 20, 2017: 2. “Sen. Markey Leads Resolution to Restore FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules,” Dec. 14, 2017:
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-10-2018 02:02 PM
quote: Senate Democrats just announced that they have enough support to force Mitch McConnell to hold a vote on overturning the FCC and restoring net neutrality.This is huge. To force a vote, we needed 30 senators to cosponsor the resolution restoring net neutrality—and yesterday, we hit that magic number. Now we need to mobilize enough grassroots pressure to get the 51 votes we need to win. But Comcast will go all out to stop us, so we all need to step up. When Ajit Pai rammed through the repeal of net neutrality, Comcast assumed that Congress would just stand by and let it happen. But Big Cable forgot about you—and people like you across the internet. Voters of both parties strongly support net neutrality, and the backlash has been spreading like wildfire on the web. In fact, when the FCC voted to overturn net neutrality, it only increased public attention on the issue—and the more people know about Comcast's plans for the internet, the less they like it. It's especially exciting that Missouri's Claire McCaskill was the 30th signer on the resolution. She's a Democrat up for reelection this year in a state Trump won by 18 points. If Democrats like her realize that net neutrality is a winning issue for them, then we have a great chance of picking up the 51 votes we need to pass the resolution. It will require your phone calls and emails to Congress and meeting with representatives to push this resolution through. But Comcast will do whatever it takes to kill this vote, and with the amount of money they've given to senators of both parties, it'll take a major grassroots push to keep them from selling out their constituents.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-11-2018 11:49 AM
quote: This is huge. We just blew past the magic number of senators needed to force a Congressional Review Act (CRA) vote to block the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality.Then, Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) came out in support of the CRA resolution. That means we might be just one vote away from winning in the Senate. The CRA attracting bipartisan support in the Senate is a major breakthrough. And it’s a clear sign that lawmakers are really feeling the heat from the widespread backlash. Every Republican lawmaker who has spoken out about net neutrality recently has cited the massive deluge of phone calls from constituents. That’s good, because we’ve been in the trenches fighting for net neutrality for a while, and if there’s one thing we’ve gotten really good at, it’s driving lots and lots of phone calls to Congress. We’re so close to the 51 votes we need to pass a Senate resolution to overrule the FCC and restore net neutrality. But we need another big burst of phone calls right now to get us over the finish line. If we can get the CRA through the Senate, the fight will move to the House of Representatives, where we’ll have to wage a massive battle to win over about 20 Republican votes to win. It’s not going to be easy. But the Internet has changed the rules for what we can accomplish in Washington, DC. We have a fighting chance, and along the way we’ll force every member of Congress to go on the record—during a tight election year—on a simple up or down vote on the future of the free and open Internet. We’re launching an all-out campaign to get Congress to overturn the FCC vote and save net neutrality. - See the action page and the call tool to make it easy for everyone to contact their senators and representatives about the CRA.
- See pledge page, with a goal of getting millions of Internet users opted in to receive text alerts with their lawmakers’ net neutrality voting records.
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Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-17-2018 11:32 AM
quote: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 16, 2017 Contact: Evan Greer,, 978-852-6457 All Senate Democrats and Susan Collins (R-ME) line up to defend the free and open Internet. Only one more vote needed for CRA to pass SenateStunning lobbyists, net neutrality supporters are now one vote away from winning a Senate vote on a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the FCC’s unpopular repeal of net neutrality. All 49 Senate Democrats are now co-sponsoring the move, and Susan Collins (R-ME) has said she plans to support it. With victory in the Senate increasingly likely, Internet activists are setting their sights on the House, where they plan to wage a fierce battle to hit the simple majority needed to force a CRA vote to the floor. “The Internet is on a mission to save net neutrality, and lawmakers that stand in our way will regret it,” said Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future. “Net neutrality is going to be an election issue in 2018 and every member of Congress knows it. The CRA is steamrolling through the Senate because lawmakers are reading the writing on the wall that it’s the only viable legislation on the table. Cleanly reversing the FCC’s unpopular and illegitimate decision is, on substance, the correct policy move, and the only one that has support from voters.” Earlier this month, Fight for the Future announced a no holds barred campaign at calling on Internet users to pledge to vote against lawmakers who don’t support the CRA resolution to overturn the FCC decision and restore net neutrality protections. The fiercely nonpartisan group is hellbent on restoring net neutrality protections, and willing to target lawmakers of either party if they are not listening to constituents on this critical issue. Millions of people have taken action in recent months, bombarding Congress with a flood of phone calls, emails, faxes, tweets, protests, letters from small businesses, and constituent meetings. Learn more about Fight for the Future at or follow us on Twitter.
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ahwt Posts: 2334 Registered: Mar 2003
posted 01-17-2018 02:54 PM
Good news!IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-26-2018 09:40 AM
Burger King has made a commercial that really helps to explain why net neutrality should be important to everyone. Never hesitant to share their true feelings, Burger King has called out the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality in a new commercial, explaining the somewhat-confusing decision via Whoopers. Watch it here IP: Logged |
Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 01-26-2018 10:57 AM
This original thread is getting a little long.So it is continued in Beware - FCC Voted to Kill Net Neutrality Rules - this can be reversed!! IP: Logged |