Scott Martin Forum Master Posts: 11520 Registered: Apr 93
posted 03-16-2008 05:09 PM
This is the notes section from an article that first appeared in Silver Magazine January/February 2008 pages 32-43. This article has been excerpted and reproduce with permission.
Notes- Janet Zapata and D. Albert Soeffing, “Artistic wares of George W. Shiebler, silversmith,” The Magazine Antiques 1 8, (July 199 ), 9 -103.
- William P. Hood Jr., John R. Olson, and Charles S. Curb, “Dining with the ancients: Shiebler’s Etruscan flatware,” The Magazine Antiques 168, (February 006), 8 -89.
- Ibid., 83, Pl. III, see the fabulous halberd- form cheese knife.
- “The Spoon Patterns of American Silversmiths, VI,” The Jewelers’ Circular 30, (May 1 , 189 ), 20.
- Noel D. Turner, American Silver Flatware 1837-1910 (San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 1998), 17 .
- Diana Cramer, “The Patterns of the George W. Shiebler, Co., Part Two,” Silver Magazine , (March/April 1991), 32 .
- Scott V. Martin and June V. Balyk Martin, The Book of Silver: Flatware Silver Marks & Patterns (New York: SM Publications, 1999), Section 99.F, Flora, 1-12 .
- A special problem arises with respect to motif no. 9 (Pond-lily) that is known to exist in at least four designs: which is the “original” motif and which are the “variations”? We have chosen as the original motif no. 9 the Pond-lily design that Shiebler illustrated in its ad in The Jewelers’ Circular (see text and note 10 below). The others are arbitrarily categorized as variations 9a, 9b, 9c. Our cataloguing system differs from that used in S. and J. Martin, Section 99.F, Flora, 8.
- “The Spoon Patterns,” Jewelers’ Circular, 20. 10. Ibid., 18. The images of Flora reproduced in Turner, 17 (see note above), appear to have been taken from this ad.
- Ibid., 0- 1.
- Search of the United States Patent Office files for the year 1889. Performed on our behalf by researcher Kay O. Freeman of New York.
- Christopher Brickell and Judith D. Zuk, eds., The American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants (New York: DK Publishing, 1996), 358. “Pink” is any one of a group of plants/ flowers of the genus Dianthus that are closely related to and resemble a carnation.
- This item, which sold on eBay (item no. 1 00 703 803) on December 3, 006, has a symmetrical oar-shaped blade, maximum width 3/ inches, and an overall length of /8 inches.
- David A. Hanks with Jennifer Toher: “Metalwork: An Eclectic Aesthetic,” in Doreen Bolger Burke et al., In Pursuit of Beauty: Americans and the Aesthetic Movement (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986), 262.
- William P. Hood Jr., John R. Olson, and Charles S. Curb, “Gorham’s Japanese flatware pattern,” The Magazine Antiques 17 2, (September 2007), 10 -111.
- Turner, American Silver Flatware, 172 .
- Replacements, Ltd. website, Flora pattern by George W. Shiebler,. (accessed November 6, 2006).
- Sandy Lynch, researcher at Replacements, Ltd., email message to primary author, November 1 , 2006.
- Cramer, “The Patterns of the George W. Shiebler Co.,” 32 .
- Martin and Martin, The Book of Silver, Section 99.F, Flora, , image S042a.
- Antique Cupboard website, “Silver Patterns – Flora by Shiebler,” (accessed November 6, 2006).
- One variety is illustrated in Zapata and Soeffing, “Artistic wares of George W. Shiebler,” 95, Pl. V; another variety is illustrated in Hood, Olson, and Curb, “Dining with the ancients,” 88, Pl. XIII.
- For a picture, see under the title of this article at Fabulous Flatware
- This piece is pictured in a Durgin catalogue of 1919, 111 (copy in the collection of John R. Olson).
- A labeled example in the Chrysanthemum pattern is illustrated in a Durgin salesmen’s catalogue, circa 1900, 254 (photocopy in the collection of William Hood).
- The fact that we have observed different four-digit numbers on four shoehorns with identical forms but with different motifs indicates that these numbers denote more than form alone.
- Several napkin rings have been discussed and illustrated online at SMPublications, “Silver Salon Forums,” Flora Napkin Rings (accessed November 8, 2006).
- Zapata and Soeffing, “Artistic wares of George W. Shiebler,” 101.
- Ibid., 101-103. However, S. and J. Martin illustrate a Shiebler Fiorito individual asparagus tongs stamped with “MAUSER MFG CO” (The Book of Silver, Section 99.F, Fiorito, 8, image S0233). This will be discussed in Part Two of this article.
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