Topic: 5K
wev Moderator Posts: 4121 Registered: Apr 99
posted 06-17-2009 02:20 PM
This little project got started answering a simple question about the family of old Bill Moulton. Now, after ten quick years and a great deal of generous assistance, it has reached: 5000, including: Albee, Nathan -- Silversmith and gunsmith Ayers, Stephen Beckwith -- Jeweler Bacon, John Ganson -- Merchant Bailey, James Oscar -- Jeweler Ballou, William Leander -- Jeweler Bliss, Ernest Mason -- Jeweler Bliss, Herbert Charles -- Jeweler Bradbury, Ebenezer -- Silversmith Chamberlain, Abert Stark -- Jeweler Chubbuck, Elijah Hibbard -- Jeweler Coit, Edward -- Silversmith and jeweler Cook, Ephraim Rezeau -- Jeweler and watchmaker Cooley, George -- Pewtersmith Eldridge, Rufus Coffin -- Jeweler Eubank, James B. White -- Silversmith Eubank, Joseph -- Silversmith Eubank, Joseph -- Silversmith Fry, John Jonathan -- Jeweler Grant, Joseph W. -- Jeweler Hiller, Joseph -- Engraver Hitchcock, Eri -- Clockmaker Irons, Charles Frederick -- Jeweler Irons, Sayles -- Jeweler Ives, John -- Pewtersmith Jaques, George Benjamin -- Jeweler Jeffries, James -- Silversmith Jeffries, John -- Silversmith Jeffries, Smith -- Silversmith Jillson, Albert Collins -- Jeweler Jillson, Alfred Augustus -- Jeweler Justice, Alfred Rudolph -- Silver manufacturer Knight, Frederick Allen -- Silversmith Lewis, Isaac Chauncey -- Pewtersmith Lewis, Patrick -- Pewtersmith Marcus, George Elder -- Jeweler Marcus, Herman -- Jeweler Marcus, William Elder -- Jeweler Matthews, Fletcher -- Jeweler Parsons, Lewis Abraham -- Jeweler Prentiss, Henry S. -- Clockmaker Rudd, Orange Brace -- Jeweler Russell, Charles Albert -- Jeweler Sweet, Leonard Wheeler -- Jeweler Titcomb, Francis -- Silversmith True, William Walley -- Jeweler Whipple, Hezekiah Cooke -- Jeweler Wilcox, Charles Wilbur -- Jeweler Williams, William Hart -- Silversmith and jeweler Wright, George C. F. -- Jeweler Youngs, Calvin -- Silversmith I think I'll take a nap. . . IP: Logged |
swarter Moderator Posts: 2920 Registered: May 2003
posted 06-17-2009 04:37 PM
quote: I think I'll take a nap. .
You deserve one!  IP: Logged |
bascall Posts: 1629 Registered: Nov 99
posted 06-17-2009 05:28 PM
Monumental or is it just mental? Congrats!IP: Logged |
wev Moderator Posts: 4121 Registered: Apr 99
posted 06-17-2009 08:53 PM
Completely mental -- just ask my wife.IP: Logged |
wev Moderator Posts: 4121 Registered: Apr 99
posted 06-28-2009 09:42 PM
We are getting our first true days of summer and it brings to mind a wonderful treat of my youth, 50/50 bars -- creamy vanilla ice cream coated in tart orange sherbet; cost 10 cents and cut right through the shimmering heat. There is a shop in town that makes them by hand and they still do the trick, but now they cost $3.50 a go. I can't afford to serve one up to all our good readers, so this will have to do:5050, including: Allyn, Park Carlos -- Jeweler Andrews, Charles Oscar -- Jeweler Berry, Ira -- Jeweler Carmichael, Charles Stephen -- Jeweler Carmichael, Henry Mack -- Jeweler Carmichael, John -- Jeweler and watchmaker Carmichael, John -- Jeweler and watchmaker Chandler, Asa Simmons -- Jeweler Chandler, John Moore -- Jeweler Chandler, Stephen -- Jeweler Davis, Samuel -- Jeweler Deane, James -- Silversmith DeBerard, Charles Joseph Jay -- Silversmith Deming, Robert Ladd -- Jeweler Dodge, John Felch -- Jeweler Downing, John C. -- Jeweler Drowne, Charles Leonard -- Watchmaker Drowne, John Boardman -- Watchmaker Drowne, Richard Wiggin -- Watchmaker Drowne, Thomas Sisson -- Jeweler Gelston, Maltby -- Jeweler Hastings, Benjamin Barnabas -- Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker Hayward, Walter E. -- Jeweler Hill, Alva Thomas -- Watchmaker Johnson, Samuel -- Silversmith King, John W. -- Jeweler King, Joseph Walker -- Jeweler Lakin, Hartwell -- Jeweler Merwin, James Burtis -- Jeweler Metcalf, Junia -- Jeweler Michie, Henry Bliss -- Jeweler and watchmaker Michie, James Carey -- Clock and watchmaker Michie, William -- Watchmaker Michie, William -- Jeweler and watchmaker Norris, Charles Carroll -- Jeweler Parmenter, Frederick C. -- Jeweler Peck, Franklin Henry -- Jeweler and watchmaker Peck, Linus Alba -- Jeweler and watchmaker Peck, Willis Aleney -- Jeweler and watchmaker Rust, Henry West -- Jeweler Rust, Joseph -- Silversmith Sawyer, Henderson Inches -- Silversmith Stanley, Samuel -- Jeweler Sweet, George Louis -- Jeweler Winship, Franklin Henry -- Jeweler and watchmaker Wood, Spencer H. -- Jeweler Wooley, George -- Jeweler IP: Logged |
wev Moderator Posts: 4121 Registered: Apr 99
posted 07-19-2009 10:48 AM
The dull days of summer continue. . . 5100, including: Babcock, Lewis -- Jeweler and watchmaker Beckwith, Jabez -- Jeweler and clockmaker Blauvelt, Spencer -- Silversmith Breckenridge, James Madison -- Jeweler and clockmaker Bullen, George Russell -- Jeweler Butler, Thomas H. -- Silversmith Butts, Hayden H. -- Jeweler Canfield, George -- Jeweler Copeland, Robert -- Silversmith Cowles, Henry Ward -- Jeweler Davidson, Charles W. -- Jeweler Davidson, Frank Forest -- Jeweler Dunbar, Charles Rufus -- Watchmaker Fenner, Albert -- Jeweler Ford, Augustus William -- Jeweler Ford, Walter Gladwin -- Watchmaker Ford, William -- Jeweler Foster, Thomas Wells -- Jeweler Gerrish, Charles Oliver -- Jeweler and watchmaker Gurney, Frank Ellis -- Jeweler Gurney, Merton Studley -- Jeweler Gurney, Sanford Keith -- Jeweler Gwillam, Thomas J. -- Jeweler and watchmaker Hapgood, Leon Reuben -- Jeweler Harding, Charles H. -- Jeweler and watchmaker Haven, Edgar Willis -- Jeweler and watchmaker Hollister, Henry Teall -- Jeweler Howe, Bazaleel -- Jeweler Ingalls, Ezra Lovejoy -- Jeweler Jones, J. N. -- Jeweler Knapp, Anson H. -- Watchmaker Manning, Joseph -- Silversmith Manning, William Nichols -- Silversmith Melville, Theodolphus -- Jeweler Newton, Elias Morse -- Jeweler and watchmaker Palmer, Dolphus D. -- Jeweler and watchmaker Palmer, John Simmons -- Jeweler Putnam, Alva Louis -- Jeweler and watchmaker Rice, Nahum -- Silversmith Sheldon, Smith -- Pewtersmith Stanton, George Washington -- Silversmith Sterling, Maurice S. -- Jeweler Stillman, Francis Warren -- Jeweler Tinker, Jonathan Eugene -- Jeweler Trow, Ephraim Swan -- Jeweler Warden, Joseph Mitchell -- Jeweler and watchmaker Warden, Peter -- Jeweler and watchmaker Whitaker, Caleb Earle -- Merchant Whitaker, Josiah -- Silversmith Whitaker, Thomas -- Silversmith White, George Caldwell -- Jeweler Wood, George A. -- Engraver Wood, Jabez E. -- Silversmith Yale, Linus -- Manufacturer
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wev Moderator Posts: 4121 Registered: Apr 99
posted 08-23-2009 11:55 AM
Setting down the gin and tonic and rolling out of the hammock. . . 5175, including: Andrews, Selah -- Silversmith Bell, Charles O. R. -- Jeweler Bell, Elliot -- Jeweler Bell, George -- Jeweler Bell, John E. -- Jeweler Bennett, William Bainbridge -- Jeweler Blakeman, Abijah -- Jeweler Bliss, John -- Clockmaker Bliss, John Lord -- Clockmaker Bliss, Samuel Williams -- Clockmaker Brittin, Edwin Ludlow -- Manufacturer Butler, Charles Warren -- Silversmith Butler, George N -- Jeweler Claflin, Abner Everett -- Jeweler Clapp, John -- Silversmith Clapp, Joseph Hewes -- Jeweler and watchmaker Clark, Heman -- Clockmaker Daggett, Byron Elihu -- Jeweler Daggett, Marcus Lafayette -- Jeweler Dwight, Edward Champion -- Jeweler Dwight, William A. -- Jeweler Eoff, John Theodore Bean -- Jeweler Fairchild, Kemal H. S. -- Silversmith Farr, Daniel Taplin -- Jeweler Griswold, Benjamin Franklin -- Jeweler Guild, Willis Parmenter -- Jeweler Hart, Lucius -- Silverplater Hart, Philo Woodruff -- Jeweler Jackson, Thomas -- Silversmith and clockmaker Matteson, Horace Elias -- Merchant Mayhew, James Nelson -- Jeweler Mead, James B. -- Silversmith Meservey, Benjamin Franklin -- Jeweler and watchmaker Miller, Watson John -- Silverplater Mulford, Robert L -- Jeweler Newcomb, Colin Gillespie -- Jeweler Newcomb, George Eugene -- Jeweler Newcomb, Oliver Payson -- Jeweler Newcomb, William Francis -- Jeweler Owen, George -- Jeweler Owen, William H. -- Jeweler Parker, Edmund -- Silverplater Parker, John -- Silverplater Pelton, John Graves -- Silverplater Pelton, William A. -- Pewtersmith Pepper, Edward -- Engraver Pepper, Henry Basset -- Jeweler Potter, James E. -- Jeweler Rawson, Asa -- Silversmith and gunsmith Roberts, Richard Hubbard -- Jeweler Savage, George Edwin -- Manufacturer Shepard, Timothy Phelps -- Silversmith and jeweler Simmons, Stephen -- Jeweler Smith, Joseph -- Silversmith Streeter, John Francis -- Jeweler Strong, David -- Silverplater Sturdy, Frank M. -- Jeweler Wardwell, William Thomas Church -- Jeweler Whipple, Charles E. -- Jeweler Whipple, Henry James Parker -- Manufacturer Whipple, Oscar -- Jeweler Wright, Walter M. -- Jeweler IP: Logged |