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Author Topic:   New York Ewer. Can you suggest a maker?

Posts: 17
Registered: Mar 2007

iconnumber posted 01-12-2025 06:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RichardT     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've had this silver ewer for some years.
I have some idea about when and where it was made, but am hoping other Forum members might be able to suggest a maker attribution.

This octagonal ewer is 12-1/2" tall and weighs over 800 grams (about 26oz t.).
It is marked with a "Ball Black & Co." retailer's stamp, but does not have any standard shield. Given the information from the very informative SSF thread
Ball, Black and Co. from 2006, in addition to Venable's book "Silver in America" (especially note 12 on page 32), I believe this piece was made between 1851, when the name Ball, Black and Co. was introduced, and 1858, when the company started using the 950 standard, later followed by 925.

Although the retailer's mark is surrounded by various scratched notations, they don't mean anything to me.

I note that the Met museum has a couple of Rococo-revival octagonal pitchers by
William Ladd from the 1840s, but the similarity to this piece isn't striking, and I don't know enough about Ladd to even know if he is a plausible choice.

Thanks for your ideas.

[This message has been edited by RichardT (edited 01-12-2025).]

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iconnumber posted 01-12-2025 07:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for wev     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
William F. Ladd retailed the Met pieces. He was a jeweler and watchmaker, not a silversmith, and by 1851, had gone west to San Francisco.
I would suspect Edgar M. Eoff as the maker, probably just before his partnership with George Shepard in 1853. They became major suppliers to Ball, Black & Co.

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Posts: 17
Registered: Mar 2007

iconnumber posted 01-14-2025 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RichardT     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks wev! Now that you've identified the Ladd of NY as the same Ladd of SF I'm embarrassed to even have suggested him redface
Eoff is a much more likely suspect.

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