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Author Topic:   Members who haven't posted
Scott Martin
Forum Master

Posts: 11520
Registered: Apr 93

iconnumber posted 10-07-2015 12:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scott Martin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We have thousands of registered members who have never posted.

I am not sure why they have never posted?????????

No one has ever complained that they didn't receive a password. Even so, I supposed that might be the reason. Many ISP's/eMail providers treat email from SMP as SPAM. If the new registrant is not checking their SPAM folder then they may think we didn't register them.

When you register (or update your user profile) please make sure you have white-listed email from or please check your SPAM folder.

If you think you may have missed your registration info/password you may request the system send it to you again by clicking Forget your password?

Please discuss this in Members who haven't posted -#2

Here is a sampling of registered user names that have never posted:

  1. 1201SLD
  2. 1granny4
  3. 1packrat2another
  4. 2310pierre
  5. 2563mbh
  6. 2fulltimers
  7. 2muchtax
  8. 458
  9. 4cookie
  10. 6294stevel
  11. 7sistas
  12. 925spurs
  13. A_emby
  14. a6a4347
  15. aberdeenterrier
  16. abigail100m
  17. abrown
  18. abubu
  19. acanthussilver
  20. acekiko
  21. achristopher79
  22. ack789
  23. acooley
  24. acroterium
  25. acrowley
  26. Adam.NYC
  27. adamAKAweirdo
  28. adamc
  29. Ade Johnson
  30. afisher
  31. afrikart
  32. Ag & Au Silverresearch
  33. Agathalouise43
  34. Agnieszka
  35. AGNovice
  36. Agspoon
  37. ahiggins
  38. aibarter
  39. airflyer1
  41. ajsinphx
  42. akki
  43. akki_g
  44. Alan Brubaker
  45. Alan C
  46. Alan
  47. alannah
  48. AlanRosenberg
  49. alaskenblueeyes
  50. albert11
  51. albert111
  52. Albionant
  53. Aldo-IT
  54. Aleksander
  55. alex
  56. alex_traveller
  57. Alexander
  58. alfajohn
  59. alheywood
  60. Ali
  61. alicat
  62. Alice Kugelman
  63. Aline Wilson
  64. aliquot
  65. alisa7
  66. alisad
  67. Allan W. Klein
  68. alldaywalt
  69. Allen1853
  70. alleycat
  71. Alleycat2014
  72. allinaln
  73. alpca9748
  74. altichiero
  75. aluminut
  77. AM Steele
  78. amadohopres
  79. amanda
  80. amandragoran
  81. amani
  82. amateur
  83. amazonsister
  84. amcconnell
  85. ameliaf
  86. amena
  87. American Spoon Collectors
  88. AMIMAX
  89. amyaria
  90. amyhyrne
  91. AmyMcDonald
  92. andeni
  93. andletters
  94. Andrew Drake
  95. Andrew
  96. andrewsaw
  97. andthis
  98. ANGEL
  99. angie
  100. angle
  101. anikaraja
  102. Anita
  103. Ann Schweiss
  104. annalizazoid
  105. annbooth
  106. anne*marie
  107. AnneB
  108. annet from holland
  109. annie
  110. anniemf81
  111. anona boben
  112. anspector02
  113. Anteeks-_4u
  114. anteks
  115. Antibes
  116. Antique12
  117. antiquecupboard
  118. Antiqueguy12
  119. antiquie
  120. ANTKIT
  121. Antoine
  122. Apee
  123. archaic
  124. Arisha
  125. arlene
  126. ArleneP
  127. ARoseBlush
  128. arouet1
  129. artcvc
  130. Artdecolady
  131. Artfinders
  132. ArtfulDodger
  133. arthur persson
  134. artymarty
  135. asanusta
  136. Astntom
  137. athenaa21
  138. audrey
  139. AuGold
  140. aundra
  141. aurum
  142. aussie003
  143. austin
  144. avsandecki
  145. awesome1017
  146. azalea365bayou
  147. AZGALM
  148. azwoodwrkr
  149. B. Meyers
  150. B17_Fan
  151. babs
  152. babybels71
  153. babycassie2838
  154. bahrain1
  155. bamaj2
  156. BAMilligan
  157. bankerbob1b
  158. bann
  159. Banpokies1
  160. Barb Bittinger
  161. barb134
  162. Barbara Myers
  163. Barbara Starratt
  164. BarbaraN
  165. barefootagain46
  166. barkergl
  167. barrcue
  168. bassingirl30
  169. baumgrenze
  170. baybeedoll
  171. Bayvariety
  172. bbrowning
  173. Bcbarron
  174. bchmtn
  175. bcotter
  176. bcunning
  177. bd
  178. bdscherer
  179. Bea
  180. beachcaligirl619
  181. bean3s3
  182. Bear
  183. bearhugs4u2
  184. Beaufortwarden1
  185. beckneb
  186. bedazzle
  187. Bede
  188. BeeCharmer
  189. BeeRose
  190. belita
  191. BellaJava
  192. bellaluna
  193. Bellbird
  194. belle
  195. belle20904
  196. benc7
  197. Bep
  198. Bernie Hempfling
  199. Bert
  200. BERTHAH
  201. bestgainjewellery
  202. beth*2
  203. BethWK
  204. betinek
  205. Betsy
  206. betsywolfe
  207. Bettina Webb
  208. Betty R. Myrtle
  209. betty
  210. BeverlyB
  211. bgurden
  212. Bick
  213. bidhighsilver
  214. Big Al
  215. big island silver
  216. bigalan1
  217. bigjohnsplace
  219. bigtallgal
  220. bill donovan
  221. Bill Greene
  223. billbombadil
  224. billinda
  225. billister
  227. bimawich
  228. Bindu Sethi
  229. Birdie
  230. BiterC72
  231. Bj
  232. bjones
  233. blackieII
  234. Blademan
  235. blbo1949
  236. bleacd
  237. blitzfarm
  238. Bluebecki111
  239. BLUEDOG167
  240. BlueLightning
  241. bluelola123crafts
  242. Bluffdweller
  243. bnassah
  244. bnlong
  245. bob
  246. bobby porter
  247. bobby123
  248. bobscha7
  249. bobylesly
  250. BoiseCTLC
  251. bojeda
  252. Bonavista
  253. bookster7
  254. bostonarchaeology
  255. BourbonDelMonte
  256. bowlingpanda
  257. braithwaite
  258. Brandee
  259. Brandykatt
  260. Brenda Kliine
  261. Brenda
  262. brenda22
  263. brendacalder
  264. Brendan
  265. BRIAN Weatherly
  266. brivede
  267. Brookny112
  268. Bruce
  269. brufsilv
  270. bsantiago
  271. Bubo bubo
  272. buckhorn
  273. BuckHunter1
  274. bullyringo
  275. buntyterry
  276. burnieboozle
  277. busiadot
  278. Buster
  279. ButtonCollector
  280. Buzuluk
  281. bw
  283. C.Downing Auctions
  284. cabana10
  285. Cadge
  286. cadmus12
  287. caesar e chavez
  288. caesar
  289. caira27
  290. calproctor
  291. Cammie
  292. campanula
  293. canaanclose
  294. candeeh
  295. Candy
  296. cantabile
  297. Cantike
  298. capecodval
  299. caran
  300. Carmel
  301. carmel420247
  303. CarolB
  304. Carole32
  305. caroledavidr
  306. Carolh
  307. caroline
  308. carolrnw
  309. Carolyn W
  310. Carolyn
  311. CarolynCDL
  312. carolyngordon
  313. carrieb510
  314. CarrieH
  315. Carsten in Germany
  316. casey
  317. cashelly
  318. casorino
  319. cassiebear
  320. Catamount
  321. catcindyk
  322. catfisch1
  323. Catherine
  324. catie
  325. catlat
  326. catman
  327. caviano
  328. cayah
  329. cayenne
  330. CAZ00
  331. caz63
  332. cbhobbs
  333. cbrunoantiques
  334. cburritt
  335. ccliff2
  336. Cd1600
  337. cderr
  338. cemifor
  339. cetombitat
  340. cfineran
  341. CFRABD
  342. cggrady
  343. chad
  345. chadsmom
  346. chantel
  347. charliefishhead
  348. charlocot
  349. charlyce
  350. Chatoyaboy
  351. chermay
  352. cherrycrush33
  353. CHERYL
  354. chesbaytraders
  355. chetrambixon
  356. chia
  357. chisels
  358. chloepoopoo
  359. Cholden3850
  361. Chopin
  362. chris graves
  363. Chris
  364. chriscorv
  365. chrismailman
  366. Christina Lückerath
  367. Christine Butler
  368. christine kraven
  369. christos
  370. chukcarbo
  371. cid65
  372. cindi
  373. cindy holden
  374. Circa Bellum
  375. citadel4
  376. cja
  377. cjicklett
  378. cla
  379. claidan
  380. claire waters
  381. Claire
  382. claire234
  383. Clara
  384. clarinetmarmalade
  385. classilady
  386. clegpeggy
  387. clepp
  388. cliffobiv
  389. clinteri
  390. clinton
  391. Clive Blunt
  392. Clueless
  393. cmac_50
  394. cmlv955
  395. cmwhit
  396. Cocobijou
  397. cocopalms
  398. CoffeeKnitRain
  399. coin76
  400. Coincollectionman
  401. coinguy
  402. Coleen
  403. coleenc
  404. colettie
  405. collectornut60
  406. colpetzer
  407. comeaur
  408. Commisarlestat
  409. CompTechBeauty
  410. comradeA
  411. conch_ran
  412. conifer
  413. conneescollectables
  414. Consigntreasures
  415. consty1
  416. contestdiva
  417. cookie
  418. cooper
  419. copleysquare
  420. coppertonekid
  421. CoraGolden
  422. Cordell
  423. corncobclub
  424. coryatnac
  425. cosmic.jackpot
  426. cottonwyld
  427. countryliving476
  428. coupe68
  429. courseware-group
  430. courther
  432. cowgirls
  433. Cowpatty
  434. cprcannon
  435. Craig Gottlieb
  436. Craig Jordan
  437. crawfordsantiques
  439. Creek
  440. crespin
  441. crickkerbug
  442. crzy4bulldogs
  443. ctgosey69
  444. ctimpson1
  445. ctio
  446. curious
  447. curiousgirl
  448. cvwatts2211
  449. cwd84
  450. cybersal
  451. cyndy
  452. cypresschase2002
  453. D.Martin
  454. d913
  455. da_franklins
  456. DagnyAlb
  457. dah
  458. daha
  459. Dahveed
  460. daizeyhead
  461. danilo
  462. dansksolv
  463. DanW
  464. dar11155
  465. darcilombard
  466. DAROOO
  467. dat%678au
  468. daughterofslim
  469. Dave at Littleton
  470. Dave Marsh
  471. Davehax
  472. davey
  473. David Appelbaum
  474. David Harry
  475. David L
  476. David P. Willis
  477. David Thomas
  478. David555
  479. davidd369
  480. davidecampbell
  481. davisjeand
  482. Dawn Hough
  483. dawnie
  484. dawrakes
  485. DBLMerrill
  486. dc
  487. dcdriver22
  488. dcinamon
  489. ddandylion
  490. ddenise
  491. debargain57
  492. debbiehill73
  493. debbielt1953
  494. deboncocas
  495. deboorah
  496. deborah l sherman
  497. debra lair
  498. DEC
  499. deco2mod
  500. decotwomod
  501. DEDE
  502. DeeBis4
  503. deeer731
  504. deena49
  505. deity
  506. delaforetGB
  508. delfi
  509. dellebrac
  510. denboy
  511. derek haydn taylor
  512. Derek
  513. Des
  514. desertnightcreations
  515. detlef
  516. dfadwizz
  517. dg
  518. DGS
  519. dgsapyta
  520. dhageman68
  521. dhunter
  522. diamondful
  523. DIANA D
  524. Diana
  525. DianaGaleM
  526. diane217
  527. dianebxl
  528. dianesev
  529. dianka008
  530. dibdabs
  531. Dick Mattis
  532. dingraham
  533. dink
  534. dizzyjames
  535. djangofreeman
  536. dlaug
  537. dmaier
  538. dmillercalif
  539. dnick926
  540. doccamp
  541. dognose
  542. Donald Hillman
  543. donkeysplace
  544. Donna Martin
  545. Donna
  546. donnamae
  547. DonnaO
  548. Donnieandjann
  549. dorruth
  550. Dotcsmith
  551. dottiepitt
  552. Doug V
  553. Douglas Rountree
  554. DPass
  555. dpauld
  556. Dragonfly
  557. DragonTDC
  558. Dreamcatcher1157
  559. drosenzw
  560. drshirley
  561. dschmidt530
  562. dstumpe
  563. dublin
  564. duffy
  565. durginlover
  566. dustyfootphilosopher
  567. Dutchsilver
  568. dvolonte
  569. dzinr
  570. e caro
  571. eahilllx
  572. EAMMONE
  573. ebancroft
  574. ebeth7
  575. eclectic-treasures
  576. eda2468
  577. edmond
  578. Edmund
  579. ednawooten
  580. edsallcapt
  581. EdwMarl
  582. egershna
  583. eileen
  584. eileene
  585. eilleen
  586. eilujsnickrep51
  587. ekraus24
  588. electricrat
  589. electrike
  590. elflen
  591. elitegal
  592. Elizabeth Mesec
  593. Elizabethvanh
  594. eljay69
  595. Elkcub
  596. Elle
  597. ellebk1111
  598. elsa obolensky-selkirk
  599. elumtremy
  600. Emalone
  601. embeach
  602. emily
  603. emma pike
  604. emmalucy
  605. Endpoint2rollaz
  606. english rose
  607. EPetterson
  608. EppichCollection
  609. EPS
  610. ercubed
  611. eric1983
  612. Eric271828
  613. eric2762
  614. ericaz
  615. Erik in NJ
  616. erinj
  617. Ernie
  618. escoksendok
  619. Espirit
  620. etoleary
  621. etuten551
  622. eunice
  623. Eupho7
  624. eureka
  625. eurosil
  626. Eve
  627. eveee7
  628. evimadolon
  629. EyeLikeACrow
  630. faelynn5
  631. falcara
  632. familytree-llc
  633. FARRUG
  634. FAY12-28
  635. faye
  636. Fenn11
  637. festivist
  638. ffurb
  639. fgurnee
  640. fierceowl
  641. findmiddleground
  642. Fineart
  643. fishdcfish
  644. fix2020
  645. fkyzer
  646. flhideaway
  647. florencep
  648. Florida Lady
  649. floridajim
  650. Flower
  651. fluffycatsmp
  652. flynblu
  653. fmurray
  654. fntlutes
  655. FOGGY151
  656. Forestseeker
  657. forkon
  658. fosmire
  659. Fran
  660. frances
  661. Francis Buhagiar
  662. frans Kernker
  663. Fred
  664. FreeScot
  665. Freja
  666. frenziedfemale
  667. frickandfrack.iowa
  668. fritz
  669. fritzbaxter
  670. frolica
  671. frontenac7
  672. frozenh2odoc
  673. frugalfinds
  674. funky2nite
  675. g. garrett
  676. gabulldog88
  677. galssprincess
  678. GandL871
  679. gannat_fr
  680. gao514
  681. Garden Fence
  682. garvelli
  683. Gary B. Jeffus
  684. gatorette
  685. gatorette10
  686. gauchitogil
  687. Gayle Hair
  688. gayleinbarn
  689. GBmike64
  690. gcohen
  691. gdecave
  692. gdot59
  693. geenopa
  694. geenowalker
  695. Gem Pro
  696. genarch
  697. gene swenson
  698. genealogist
  699. generali
  700. genfermann
  701. geof tyson
  702. geoff wallen
  703. geofgdf
  704. George C. Witte
  705. George M Bentley
  706. George Plakas
  707. GeorgiaRose
  708. Georgie
  709. georgiegirl
  710. gerald_796
  711. Gerardo
  712. gerryl
  713. gerzig
  714. getorgato
  715. ghj1007
  716. gigginss
  717. Gigi
  718. gilmoreglass
  719. ginan
  720. ginger444
  721. gingersherwood
  722. giovanna1948
  723. girlfromoz
  724. gladiola
  725. glassdaze65
  726. glcoleman01
  727. glee
  728. Glenda66
  729. Glenn
  730. glispey
  731. glitzyfrog19
  732. gloriad
  733. gloriajean
  734. glorydays
  735. gmpret
  736. gnucchetto
  737. goblet
  738. god
  739. golfnut40
  740. GollumXXXV
  741. Goodday
  742. goodhart
  743. Gophernorm
  744. gpmarso
  745. gqjuye
  746. gracesface
  747. gradymom
  748. grammyhon
  749. gramscifi
  750. granchris
  751. GrandCouvert
  752. Granmaa
  753. granny22
  754. Grant
  755. grebe
  756. gregf
  757. grendel
  758. Greybird
  759. greyhavens
  760. GRM
  761. grneyes
  762. grr
  763. gruggi
  764. Gsgiving
  765. gshouston
  766. gto
  767. gtrplyrshaun
  768. gumnut
  769. gunnar
  770. guppygirl
  771. guru2743
  772. gutterstars
  773. gvitalon
  774. Hagus11
  775. hagus2
  776. haha33
  777. hallen
  778. handtint
  779. handwrought
  780. hanne
  781. Happy Trails
  782. HappyFinder
  783. HaraldG
  784. hardcas
  785. Hardy15
  786. Haridi
  787. Harriet
  788. harrodguy
  789. Harry
  790. Hartmans2
  791. Hashem
  792. hayabusa
  793. HBsrfrgirl
  794. HDHilton
  795. heatherfeather80
  796. heathermc
  797. Heidi
  798. heidiC
  799. helen.clare
  800. henkvz21
  801. herby
  802. heritage
  803. Heritage.Sterling
  804. heroutdoors
  805. hessfine
  806. heyoldtimer
  807. hhayson
  808. hhenke
  809. HHP
  810. High60
  811. highdesign
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  813. hillharkins
  814. hillharkins44
  815. hlake storage
  816. hls
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  818. Hockers1959
  819. hockypuck
  820. Hoda Zaki
  821. hodge2020
  822. Hollie Pitts
  823. hollyrella
  824. hollywoodgal
  825. homer55
  826. HOODS82
  827. hootiedog99
  828. horus1444
  829. hossknat
  830. HQP58
  831. Hugh Alsop
  832. hull90
  833. Huntbrother
  834. huntergs
  835. hurkonides
  836. hurtski
  837. huss
  838. hvds
  839. hwilson41
  840. HWS
  841. I. S. K. Reeves V
  842. i4glass2
  843. iangillmore
  844. IanMacdonald
  845. idahonative
  846. ikar18
  847. ILL Silver
  848. Ilsiya
  849. iluvqps
  850. IMAZTribabe
  851. imckinnon
  852. india707
  853. indira
  854. inimicus
  855. intergalacticsmurf
  856. ioutpost
  857. Iowalady
  858. ire1031
  859. iris11
  860. Irish Firefighter
  861. irish_pressings
  862. irvpy
  863. Italian lady
  864. itsymay
  865. itzy43
  866. Ivey
  867. Iwonder
  868. jaak
  869. Jack Mackay
  870. jack
  871. jackandsheila
  872. jackieboy1
  873. jackky
  874. jack-n-ginger
  875. Jackson
  876. jacksonu
  877. jackusa
  878. Jacoby
  879. jade_green
  880. JAH
  881. JailBirdMN
  882. jaisee
  883. JAJ596
  884. JAKUBJR
  885. jamee10
  886. James and Susan
  887. James
  888. james32
  889. jan gardner
  890. jan
  891. janebyrd
  892. janet
  893. janetwood
  894. JaneYett
  895. janhack
  896. janice
  897. janie_b
  898. janjaap luijt
  899. janna
  901. jb decker
  902. jb62
  903. JBev
  904. jbpullin
  905. jcc
  906. jcpayne45
  907. JD1946
  908. jdalligator
  909. jdorward
  910. jdpb
  911. jean-eee
  912. JeanieMutroney08
  913. Jeanne Strouse
  914. jeanne524
  915. jeannedunn
  916. Jeannine M
  917. jefndi
  918. jegus
  919. jelloisfun
  920. jemesha
  921. jems
  922. jems11
  923. jems12
  924. jems22
  925. Jen
  926. jennifer1960
  927. jenniferlvan
  928. jentib
  929. jerrilintackshop
  930. jerworf
  931. jerzmikey
  932. jessican
  933. jessie
  934. Jeweler
  935. Jewelryfan
  936. Jewels Verne
  937. jgauker
  938. jgh1956
  939. jgl
  940. jhly
  941. Jim L
  942. jim9
  943. Jimbo73732
  944. JimConley
  945. JimmyC
  946. Jinky
  947. jivo.j
  948. jjh66
  949. jjones50
  950. jjreyes1960
  951. jjtucson
  952. jjwathome
  953. jkd323
  954. jkesilver
  955. jkk
  956. JLDoggett
  957. jlun
  958. jm.mcdermott
  959. JMac
  960. jmack354
  961. jmaxwell
  962. jmeeker
  963. jmiller
  964. jmm15
  965. jneedles
  966. Jnnnnn
  967. Jo
  968. Joan Dubeau
  969. Joan
  970. joanirvin
  971. Joanne 2002
  972. Joanne Hadlock
  973. JOANNE993
  974. Joe Callison
  975. Joe North
  976. Joe
  977. joecaddy
  978. joedaz
  979. joejeweler
  980. joel1gen
  981. -Johanna-
  982. john eisenhardt
  983. JOHN J
  984. John P. Walcher
  985. john r olson
  986. John Shortell
  987. John Williams
  988. john.zimm
  989. john6
  990. John77ao
  991. JohnArchie
  992. johnchaski
  993. johnny739
  994. johnrobertpoe
  995. JOHNSIE
  996. johy
  997. jolywoly
  998. Jon_sparky
  999. JonathanKern
  1000. Jonestrails
  1001. jonne
  1002. jonni
  1003. jonnyinlove
  1004. jony_g
  1005. jordan
  1006. Jos
  1007. josaari
  1008. Jose W Perez
  1009. JoshuaDMiller
  1010. josina
  1011. joy ogunro
  1012. joyce
  1013. joycenewman
  1014. joyporter
  1015. jpplatinumbrain
  1016. jrewely
  1017. JRM
  1018. jsilver
  1019. jsilverantiques
  1020. jsm
  1021. jspeed53
  1022. jstorti
  1023. jtakemoto
  1024. JTech
  1025. JTurner
  1026. juansi49
  1027. Jude
  1028. JudeGladstoneCade
  1029. Judij
  1030. judith
  1031. Judya
  1032. juejuemarie
  1033. juffisha
  1034. Julia_Smith_21
  1035. juliab
  1036. julie4090
  1037. juliekimelman
  1038. JulieM
  1039. juliet
  1040. June Gowen
  1041. junebuggey
  1042. Jush-Ka
  1043. Justjosh
  1044. justme
  1045. jytte
  1046. K Tucker
  1047. K. Evans
  1048. kabricke
  1049. KAGENT
  1050. Kalo
  1051. kalo93406
  1052. kane
  1053. kangaroothree
  1054. Karen E. M
  1055. Karen Gerstner
  1056. Karen Rigdon
  1057. karenjane
  1058. karenpreston
  1059. karizma20
  1060. karsimeri
  1061. Kat_Stafford
  1062. Kate Robart
  1063. kate611
  1064. katerika
  1065. kathekb
  1066. Katherine
  1067. kathryn
  1068. kathrynt
  1069. Kathy Rierson
  1070. Kathy Zoeller
  1071. kathykat49
  1072. katkow46
  1073. katoka
  1074. katthe_123
  1075. katzjewelers
  1076. kayeverett
  1077. KayKay Rieger
  1078. kaykay1018
  1079. kaz
  1080. KBFKelly
  1081. kcbtx
  1082. kcollins02
  1083. keir
  1084. keirrgv
  1085. KeithTS
  1086. kelly mittong
  1087. kelly
  1088. Ken Ebaugh
  1089. ken miller
  1090. ken padgett
  1091. KennethMiller
  1092. kenny20
  1093. kensbeavers
  1094. kerry sainsbury
  1095. Kerry
  1096. Kert Blodgett
  1097. KertB
  1098. kesefgreen
  1099. keybored7117
  1100. keypro
  1101. kf7345
  1102. KGDOCTOR
  1103. khalifa thani
  1104. khatru
  1105. KICKER326
  1106. Kicker9
  1107. kim
  1108. kimber6337
  1109. KimCap0212
  1110. Kimmies_world
  1111. King James
  1112. kingsoak
  1113. kirk
  1114. Kirsten's Corner
  1115. kirsty_cat20
  1116. kitcope
  1117. kittyy
  1118. Kiwi
  1119. kjjjmc
  1120. kkirby5226
  1121. kkirn
  1122. kksmolensky
  1123. klammy1
  1124. Klaus
  1125. kloofrin
  1126. KLuce
  1127. kmpudlow
  1128. kmurf
  1129. kogjag
  1130. KouklaK
  1131. kozlowski
  1132. kpkmax
  1133. kreed6
  1134. krhinessight
  1135. kris_1973
  1136. krisnrs
  1137. krnyhus
  1138. krose47
  1139. krscpa
  1140. krscramer
  1141. ksdanner
  1142. kunapets
  1143. kuros
  1144. kwarren
  1145. kwmartine
  1146. Kyah
  1147. l3thal_silver
  1148. lacylee
  1149. ladyjazz17
  1150. ladylikeme
  1151. LaFrae
  1152. laikahmom
  1153. laimis
  1154. LakePal
  1155. lakeslee
  1156. lakt
  1157. lalabrice
  1158. lanlan
  1159. lara wilson
  1160. larryssilvercollection
  1161. larz007
  1162. lasflo
  1163. launie49
  1164. Laura Wallace
  1165. LauraJane
  1166. Laurel
  1167. laurelhuggins
  1168. laurenstanley
  1169. Laurie
  1170. laydgator
  1171. lchunter
  1172. lcw1203
  1173. ldepetrillo
  1174. lea
  1175. leanne
  1176. Lee Klug
  1177. leeanneyeager
  1178. Leegaunt
  1179. leesmom
  1180. lemahaf
  1181. len g
  1182. LenaF28
  1183. Lencie
  1184. Lenlit
  1185. leota
  1186. lerosoo
  1187. Leroy
  1188. Lesley
  1189. leslieprice
  1190. lethargo
  1191. letoug
  1192. levylor
  1193. Lia Robb
  1194. lianaburke1
  1195. LifeofLearning281
  1196. Lilli
  1197. lilspike
  1198. lily730
  1199. linda lopez
  1200. linda madding
  1201. Linda Mickle
  1202. linda_b
  1203. lindab
  1204. Lindy
  1205. linlei5440
  1206. Lisa'a stuff
  1207. LisaM
  1208. lisamelo
  1209. lishaloo
  1210. Littlewing
  1211. LIZ M
  1212. liz mirc
  1213. ljcharbonneau
  1214. LJF
  1215. ljpowell
  1216. llacey
  1217. lllallo
  1218. lllrrrhhh
  1219. lloydanddave2
  1220. lmathews
  1221. lmccormick8
  1222. lmcfeeee
  1223. lmclements
  1224. LMMercer
  1225. lnessen
  1226. Lojake
  1227. Lolly Commanday
  1228. london
  1229. Londonsilver
  1230. longhorn4
  1231. looney spoons
  1232. loppie
  1233. Lora
  1234. Lorry
  1235. Louise52
  1236. loulou11
  1237. lourson
  1238. lovemy jeep
  1239. lowe267
  1240. lpaige
  1241. lprot
  1242. LR Clark
  1243. lrothenb
  1244. lskloven
  1245. ltate
  1246. ltwpattenaude
  1247. lucha23
  1248. luckylyd
  1249. LuisLopes
  1250. Luna
  1251. Lurnendearo
  1252. luvscats
  1253. luxor
  1254. Luxor-va
  1255. lvfran
  1256. lwicks
  1257. lydamore2005
  1258. lydia stefanowicz
  1259. lykkelig
  1260. lyngall53
  1261. Lynie W. Yates
  1262. Lynn K-9
  1263. Lynn White
  1264. Lynn
  1265. LynneMM
  1266. m_22
  1267. m2studios
  1268. mabelleargentelle
  1269. machis
  1270. mackeonis
  1271. maddogg
  1272. Magdalena
  1273. magdamus
  1274. MAGGIE
  1275. MaggieD
  1276. maggieG
  1277. maggiejjj
  1278. magicdancer
  1279. magnus
  1280. Magpie
  1281. majo
  1282. Mally
  1283. manda_1
  1284. mandp
  1285. marcia marcia marcia
  1286. marcopasha
  1287. mare
  1288. Margie
  1289. margiesmemories
  1290. margot
  1291. Margy Hovey
  1292. mari
  1293. Marie Petersen
  1294. Marie
  1295. MariemontPreservation
  1296. MarieO
  1297. marihoc17
  1298. marilyn
  1299. mariok
  1300. Mark L
  1301. mark
  1302. mark3
  1303. mark80
  1304. markmhmm
  1305. markmhmmm
  1306. marktisdall
  1307. marlenekirby
  1308. Marli
  1309. Marta
  1310. martinw
  1311. maru
  1312. Mary Lynn
  1313. Mary
  1314. MaryK
  1315. marystanton
  1316. massimo
  1317. mathew33
  1318. mattley
  1319. mayanhead
  1320. MB
  1321. mbehel
  1322. mbsan1
  1323. mcarv
  1324. mcgill1
  1325. mcnallyco
  1326. mdhixon
  1327. me too
  1328. meathead_18
  1329. meg
  1330. megfiftynine
  1331. Melsie
  1332. melz
  1333. Menshy
  1334. merilly
  1335. Meriwether
  1336. Merlin
  1337. Merry Joy
  1338. merstock
  1339. meryl
  1340. mespe
  1341. metega
  1342. Mexilook
  1343. mfallert
  1344. mfm
  1345. Mgminiman
  1346. mgrandmababs
  1347. MH
  1348. mhines
  1349. micadee0109
  1350. michael sheehy
  1351. michaelc
  1352. Michaelchaz
  1353. michelemarie
  1354. MichELEMENTAL
  1355. Michelle
  1356. mickeymickey
  1357. Miclee
  1358. Micro-Wave
  1359. mike 14611
  1360. mikecayea
  1361. Mikee
  1362. mikeharbour
  1363. mikeywes
  1364. mikkie50
  1365. Miko
  1366. Mikrolisk
  1367. Milli
  1368. milty
  1369. MimiBremerWoodruff
  1370. mimihild
  1371. Mimimi
  1372. mindozao
  1373. mint
  1374. mintoo
  1375. minxer727
  1376. Miramac
  1377. missana320
  1378. mitch
  1379. Mitchell
  1380. mitchishere
  1381. mja32561
  1382. mjkrobinson
  1383. mjnyc
  1384. mkelly
  1385. mldy6472
  1386. mlf
  1387. mmnpshima
  1388. mnm-firsteditions
  1389. Mobjack
  1390. mocnalb
  1391. modernistjewelry
  1392. modmaven
  1393. moelizabeth
  1394. mohican
  1395. mojules
  1396. mom
  1397. momandseven
  1398. momo
  1399. momshere00
  1400. momskid
  1401. moneypenny
  1402. MONICAP
  1403. monilour
  1404. moogiee
  1405. moostrap73
  1406. morganrider
  1407. morrisonmd1
  1408. morthandler
  1409. Moselle1906
  1410. Mostyn
  1411. MothaNatur
  1412. motthoop1
  1413. Mottlecar
  1414. mounouch
  1415. MountainmanSteve
  1416. mouthy1t
  1417. mpgoode
  1418. mpoulin
  1420. mrb1090
  1421. mroche
  1422. MrsE
  1423. mrsmith
  1424. mrsspud
  1425. mrtroutski
  1426. msa
  1427. MsBalboa
  1428. msfarab
  1429. mssgkane
  1430. Mulligan1
  1431. mumsy6
  1432. murrayriver
  1433. murthog
  1434. mweaver
  1435. mwitus
  1436. mwren
  1437. mxdeb
  1438. my_girl
  1440. mylell
  1441. mysterymarks1
  1442. mzrosemary
  1443. nadine
  1444. nadinemccarthy
  1445. nanasilver
  1446. NanciY
  1447. NANCYJEAN1944
  1448. nancynewt
  1449. nanotalk2
  1450. nantnell
  1451. naomimini
  1452. nashvillestone
  1453. natd13
  1454. nateman830
  1455. natermivima
  1456. naxentagra
  1457. ncfjeweler
  1458. neaptide
  1459. neatjunk
  1460. ned1948
  1461. needinfo
  1462. Nemrac
  1463. nettie
  1464. nettie1
  1465. newbie
  1466. newdac
  1467. newsilverman
  1468. NewWebf
  1469. newyorkcitygirl1
  1470. Nick 51
  1471. nickb
  1472. NickySS
  1473. niels1978
  1474. Nigel C W
  1475. nightbreak
  1476. nightraven64
  1477. Nikki
  1478. Nirvanagem
  1479. NISHA
  1480. nishnchips
  1481. nitram7
  1482. nmaher
  1483. nmh6139
  1484. Noeline Bridge
  1485. nomatter
  1486. noonyp
  1487. normnick
  1488. norsk sølv
  1489. NorwegianSilver
  1490. nosebite
  1491. nralph
  1492. nrslyd
  1493. nrvergara
  1494. Nu2Silver
  1495. number1bigboy
  1496. Numismatist
  1497. nursenora
  1499. oarlady
  1500. obia_9
  1501. oconto
  1502. octorconsul
  1503. offtimehobby
  1504. oiseaux831
  1505. Oksana
  1506. olanof
  1507. oldboot42
  1508. olde_newengland
  1509. oldenewengland
  1510. oldscot
  1511. Oldsman442
  1512. oldthomas
  1513. oldtiger60
  1514. Olive Reed
  1515. OliverJones
  1516. ondipasol
  1517. onella
  1518. OPCCook
  1519. ophelia11
  1520. oppy
  1521. orangeblossomknife
  1522. orbs
  1523. orfeo13
  1524. orrettd
  1525. Ottawa
  1526. oversfam
  1527. oversubscribed
  1528. ozarkman8
  1529. p_dobinson
  1530. PackrDiane
  1531. palmview
  1532. Pam F
  1533. Pam
  1534. PamNJ
  1535. pani
  1536. PapaBear
  1537. pat bentley
  1538. pat lapinskas
  1539. patacake64
  1540. PatBC
  1541. patch1239
  1542. PatMechling
  1543. patpat
  1544. Patrancus
  1545. Patricia Boynton
  1546. Patricia Pace
  1547. patsplace3
  1548. patstill
  1549. Patsy
  1550. Pattiwoods
  1551. pattonclan6
  1552. Patty Buckingham
  1553. patty conrad
  1554. Patty2517
  1555. Patty444
  1556. pattycakes
  1557. Paul Azopardi
  1558. paul buterbaugh
  1559. paul moore
  1560. paul seward
  1561. Paulette Bell
  1562. paulgobat
  1563. paulgoudy
  1564. paulinew
  1565. paulleighton
  1566. pavel-nedved
  1567. PaxtonAsbury
  1568. pbjs
  1569. Peace
  1570. peakseekers
  1571. Pearl Blake
  1572. Peggy Brunyansky
  1573. peggyfrazier
  1574. pellmio
  1575. Penny
  1576. pennypincher
  1577. pennysstore
  1578. peppecat
  1579. pepper2000
  1580. PerJensen
  1581. PerryR
  1582. Peter Paterson
  1583. PetLady
  1584. peyton
  1585. pfwgrant
  1586. pgm987
  1587. pgraz
  1588. Pharlaptop
  1589. Phil Errett
  1590. Philip Windsor
  1591. phillip kemp
  1592. phillip
  1593. philparks
  1594. Photovintage
  1595. phyllis Tucker
  1596. physicist
  1597. picard
  1598. picklestew
  1599. pifuter
  1600. pikapaca1
  1601. pinesboy
  1602. pjb43
  1603. planbprops
  1604. plantocrat
  1605. plb1257
  1606. plshuey
  1607. plwyatt
  1608. pmarc
  1609. pmlkwd
  1610. Pmorris857
  1611. pmschoolst
  1612. pmsimp01
  1613. Polly Curtiss
  1614. polosharky
  1615. Poppie
  1616. portmansilver
  1617. Poserdog
  1618. posnet01
  1619. potsilver9
  1620. powerfac
  1621. powerup
  1622. powerup98225
  1623. preet
  1624. probussilver
  1625. ProonnahokMar
  1626. Propsellerguy
  1627. prowler
  1628. pschanwald
  1629. PTA
  1630. ptradeco
  1631. public
  1632. puddin1942
  1633. pumpkinangel10
  1634. Pupper
  1635. purplelinda301
  1636. pyolopit
  1637. qiknik
  1638. QQREUSnAustin
  1639. qtrhrse15
  1640. qualitysales4u
  1641. quicksilver
  1642. quilter522
  1643. R Tjader
  1644. raam20
  1645. rac0361
  1646. RachelD
  1647. raingirl
  1648. Rampant lioness
  1649. RanD49
  1650. Randy L Houston
  1651. Rap1
  1652. raresilver2000
  1653. ravin1966
  1654. Ray Nimmo
  1655. Ray108
  1657. raymondgpyne333
  1658. raynedrop_4
  1659. rbbrstmper
  1660. rbww
  1661. rcullen
  1662. rebmearob
  1663. redcrbbr
  1664. redogirl
  1665. Reepicheep
  1666. reggie
  1667. reginanoel
  1668. reikilady
  1669. reitanod
  1670. ReneR
  1671. renocharles
  1672. Reque
  1673. research
  1674. research-fan
  1675. reva623
  1676. rexcat19
  1677. rgonek
  1678. rgvkeir
  1679. Rianna
  1680. Richard K
  1681. Richard
  1682. Richard3
  1683. RichardNJ
  1684. Rick Hainer
  1685. rickashaw
  1686. RickWhite
  1687. rida
  1688. RingyDingySilverThingy
  1689. RISilver
  1690. Ritch37
  1691. rjmoc
  1692. rjmoc1
  1693. rjoyce478
  1694. rkanemkkane
  1695. Rkinmill
  1696. rknowles
  1697. rlago62
  1698. roach711
  1699. Rob3303
  1700. rob552
  1701. robat
  1702. Robert G. Rodd
  1703. Robert Rickard
  1704. robert
  1705. Roberta
  1706. robertweiss
  1707. RobG
  1708. Robin A
  1709. robin henry
  1710. robin
  1711. Robitaille 60
  1712. robocop
  1713. robstern
  1714. Robvint
  1715. Rocarol
  1716. Rod Brown
  1717. rod4gecko
  1718. rodricx
  1719. rodricx1
  1720. RodtheBass
  1721. roger7870
  1722. Romaradium
  1723. ron dean
  1724. ronharding
  1725. ronnietata60
  1726. roohimitra71
  1727. roseboardman
  1728. ROSEMAN
  1729. rosemaryscd
  1730. rosepetalmemories
  1731. rosesong
  1732. rosybee
  1733. roXie
  1734. rpclub
  1735. rreiss
  1736. rseferi
  1737. rsleopardi
  1738. rthorn
  1739. rtyrtyrtyus
  1740. Rubydallas77
  1741. rubytsdy
  1742. rufferdawg
  1743. ruggi
  1744. rumarbldr
  1745. runawayrubberduckie
  1746. rusei
  1747. rusteeandpaul
  1748. Ruth Gundle
  1749. ruthbeckersc
  1750. rweaver47
  1751. rwmphono
  1752. rwvance3
  1753. ryansmom4evr
  1754. Sacklunch2011
  1755. sadie1karen
  1756. sadie680
  1757. saffysam
  1758. SAG
  1759. sailwithrob
  1760. salderdice
  1761. salena1973
  1762. samloz
  1763. sammy
  1764. sammyd
  1765. sanch11
  1766. sander
  1767. sandi
  1768. SandraCox
  1769. Sandy
  1770. SanhieblerF
  1771. Sarah2005
  1772. SARCOLE
  1773. saronell
  1774. saul
  1775. Saxon_Knight
  1776. sbarbero
  1777. sburg
  1778. sc0824
  1779. scarleton
  1780. sccrab
  1781. scd55
  1782. schulz53
  1783. scleme1
  1784. scogar
  1785. scorpiio
  1786. scorpioguy
  1787. scotprov
  1788. Scott Perkins
  1789. Scott
  1790. SCOTT1
  1791. scribess
  1792. SDmom2two
  1793. se60119
  1794. seabeee5
  1795. seamansilver
  1796. secludedhearts
  1797. seekansee
  1798. seelly
  1799. Selena
  1800. Selra
  1801. Semmes
  1802. serenitykn
  1803. set212
  1804. sfritz17327
  1805. sgshake
  1806. shakeytownsailor
  1807. shanamaidl
  1808. shand1979
  1809. Shari Weller
  1810. shari62
  1811. shark
  1812. Sharon carpenter
  1813. SharonKerwick
  1814. ShaunaTwin
  1815. shayhoward
  1816. shaykaye
  1818. sheila harrison
  1819. sheila38
  1820. shells1
  1821. sherilstrickland
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  1825. sherry2525
  1826. SherryH
  1827. Sheryl
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  1908. snd7mur
  1909. snittybee
  1910. Snowbird
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  1913. solari
  1914. SOLIEL
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  1936. ssw
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  1940. stanla
  1941. STANNY
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  1949. stephenmurray
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  1955. stevej46
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  1957. StevenRoss
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  1962. STOCKY
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  1964. Stuart Warter
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  1966. sullena
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  1971. Susan
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  1984. swa
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  2046. Tina WEbster
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  2057. Todd Hall
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  2156. wendywms
  2157. weo
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  2159. westfall520
  2160. wevtest
  2161. whatnow4u
  2162. whitcre
  2163. Whitewall
  2164. wietelcutt
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  2166. wildrose
  2167. WilliamEarl
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  2169. windy
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  2200. zinebre
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  2207. Zwolf

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Posts: 11
Registered: Oct 2015

iconnumber posted 10-07-2015 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pianoman     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've just posted my first post to this forum. I have to say I found it quite extraordinarily complicated to jump through all the hoops required - and I speak as one who has posted to a number of fora.

Having applied to register (with a gmail a/c, which appears to be banned, so had to email direct rather than via the onsite form), I was given a password, and tried to login; easier said than done ! Why is there no 'login' link on the home page ? I had to use the 'search' button to find one, and I've no idea where it is if I need to find it again. And having gone through all the 'do's and don't's for New Members, there's no login there either; 'register' simply takes one round in circles.

I then found instructions for newcomers to post photos on a new part of the site reserved for photos. The last post appeared to have been a single one in 2014, so I assume everyone else has been baffled by it, as I was. In the end I posted the photos, as I have elsewhere, with the usual 'img' '/img', which tinypics helpfully puts in for one, and the pics seem to have appeared with the post on the correct forum.

I certainly don't wish to appear ungrateful or rude; there is obviously a huge amount of expertise among your members, which I hope to tap into; but having spent an hour or two trying to find my way round it, I was very nearly completely deterred from posting anything at all- and as an honest response to your own post, I felt I ought to say that maybe others have been too!

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Scott Martin
Forum Master

Posts: 11520
Registered: Apr 93

iconnumber posted 10-07-2015 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scott Martin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for trying to explain.

....I was given a password, and tried to login; easier said than done ! .....

There is no need to login until you attempt to post. What were you trying to login to?

....Why is there no 'login' link on the home page ? .....

There is no need to login until you attempt to post or enter a private forum. You only need to use your user id and password to post or to enter a private forum (with prior approval).

....I had to use the 'search' button to find one, and I've no idea where it is if I need to find it again......

Not sure what you were trying to do or what you used search to find??

....And having gone through all the 'do's and don't's for New Members, there's no login there either; 'register' simply takes one round in circles......

Sorry to sound like a broken record..... There is no need to login. You only need to use your user id and password to post or to enter a private forum

.....simply takes one round in circles......

What circles?

As to why there are band email domains - See:
Forum Spam and your email address

Thank you for your insights and we hear your frustration but don't really feel we understand your explanation.

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Scott Martin
Forum Master

Posts: 11520
Registered: Apr 93

iconnumber posted 10-07-2015 05:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scott Martin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Please discuss this in Members who haven't posted -#2

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