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Author Topic:   Question #7 - CALLING WEV! Frederick Fuchs Silversmith Genealogy

Posts: 30
Registered: Apr 2022

iconnumber posted 04-16-2022 05:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lycoris     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I recently discovered a New York family of silversmiths with the last name "Fuchs" (rhymes with "books").

My father Anglicized his name after WWII due to discrimination, abuse, and threats, as well as the unfortunate spelling when viewed by English speakers.

I am wondering if we are related to Ferdinand Fuchs, Rudolph Fuchs, and Richard Fuchs.

Wolfgang Fuchs and his wife, Margaretha Ponfick Fuchs were the first of my ancestors to leave Pegnitz, then a part of Bavaria, Germany, in 1845, so if we're related to the Fuchs brothers, it will most likely be through Wolfgang.

Wev, if you are terribly bored and need something to entertain yourself, perhaps you would be so kind as to poke around and see what you find?

I can give you definitive ancestors for Wolfgang back several generations, but then it gets pretty murky (just how many Johanns and Heinrichs and Marias and Frederickas can one family really have???) until the 1300s when we haven't been able to find anything else.

Thank you for anything anyone has to suggest!

Lycoris >^..^<

[This message has been edited by Lycoris (edited 08-14-2022).]

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