Special Features
Love Disarmed is one of the most beautiful figural
patterns ever made. Certainly nothing can compare to it
for high relief.

click on image to
Possibly the most interesting part
of the story. The pattern, first produced in 1899 was
listed by Turner as obsolete by 1929. For many years it
was a highly sought after but a very scarce and
expensive pattern. Then around 1970 the factory was
persuaded to remanufacture certain pieces of the
pattern from the original dies. These later pieces are
now readily available, and certainly have lowered the
price to something more affordable. Connoisseurs, claim
to be able to tell the old from the new by the
crispness of the relief in the folds of the clothing,
the childs hand and the nose, the newer dies producing
poorer quality. Not all pieces were reproduced e.g the
demi-tasse shown and the luncheon fork. Our demi, salad
fork and teaspoon are marked "Pat Appl'd for" , the
luncheon fork reads "Pat Dec 5 1905" as do the dinner
fork, oval soup, and flat butter. I purchased the group
shown as a place setting intact less the demi and
luncheon fork. While the dinner knife is obviously new,
the other pieces seemed beautiful and crisp with a
satin finish that was different than the "new" pieces I
have seen . I cannot prove if they are old or new but
you can examine them for yourself in the blow ups
provided below. Does anyone have a foolproof method for
Pieces Available
My Cost
Dinner knife |
9 3/4" |
$85.00 |
Dinner Fork |
7 3/4" |
$85.00 |
Luncheon Fork |
7" |
$125.00 |
Salad Fork |
6" |
$85.00 |
Oval Soup |
7 1/4" |
$85.00 |
Teaspoon |
6" |
$75.00 |
Demi-Tasse |
4 1/4" |
$85.00 |
Flat Butter |
5 7/8" |
$75.00 |

click on image to enlarge
Key Pieces
The luncheon fork does not seem to
have been reproduced as well as the demi. Thus these
are scarce.
An example of the benefits of
collecting a single place setting. While a whole table
of Love Disarmed might be a little overbearing, a
single place setting is a prize acquisition. Again the
key will be to be able to determine old and new pieces
with accuracy.