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No collection of American Place settings is complete without at least one set of San Francisco Silver. Probably the most practical to complete is the popular Gothic pattern since it was made in nearly identical versions by all three majors Vanderslice, Schulz & Fischer and Kohler & Ritter. The only difference that I find is that the K&R spoon bowls seem a bit more pointed.


Morse gives Gothic as originating with Vanderslice in 1862. The three companies ceased producing flatware by 1880.

Pieces Available

   Size  My Cost   Notes
Teaspoon 6" $25.00
Tablespoon 8 1/2" $35.00
Dinner Fork 7 3/4" $45.00
Dessert Fork 6 3/4" $35.00
Note:                I have not been able to find a dessert spoon although I have one in Comstock, a later Vanderslice pattern. Therefore they may exist. I have never seen a pastry, fish, or salad for in a San Francisco pattern. I would not expect dinner knives to exist.
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Key Pieces

Dessert Spoon, Salad/fish/pastry fork if they exist at all.


Difficult to fond on the East coast this pattern is surprisingly available in Northern California. They are not marked sterling or coin so many dealers do not know what they are.


What pieces other than shown have you seen in this pattern?

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