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I refer to these references in my postings:

  1. Silver Flatware English Irish and Scottish 1660-1980, Pickford, Antique Collectors Club Ltd., Woodbridge, Suffolk.
  2. Gorham MFG Silversmiths Catalogue Year 1888- reprint, Eden Sterling 7672 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati Ohio 45236. (800)385-3336
  3. Silver Medallion Flatware, D. Albert Soeffing, New Books Inc. New York City, NY
  4. Whiting Manufacturing Company- 1896- Reprint, Eden Sterling Cincinnati OH.(800)385-3336
  5. Sterling Flatware - An Identification and Value Guide, Tere Hagan P.O. Box 25487 Tempe AZ 85285
  6. The Book of Old Silver, English American, Foreign, by Seymour Wyler, Crown Publishers Inc. NY.
  7. The Book of Silver; Flatware, Marks and Patterns, SMP Publications, 353 W. 56th Street, MS 7-A, New York City, NY 10019, 212-246-5060
  8. American Silver Flatware 1837-1910, Noel D. Turner, A.S, Barnes & Company N.Y (Currently available as reprint)
  9. Encyclopedia of American Silver Manufacturers, Dorothy T Rainwater, Schiffer Publishing, 77 Lower Valley Road, Atglen PA 19310
  10. Das deutsche Silber-Bestecke, by Reinhard W. Sanger sold by Spencer Marks 303 East Walpole, MA 02032.

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