Silver Salon Forum
To register or not??
Do I have to register?
What are the forum guidelines?
Features for registered users
How can I change my User profile?
How can I change my password?
How can I customize my User Preferences?
What do I do if I lost my username and/or password?
Can I edit/fix my own posts?
Can I add an automatic standard signature to my posts?
Can I be notified by email if someone responds to my topic?
Posting features
Can I include files or photos in a post?
Can I add HTML to my messages?
How can I use smilies?
Additional Forum features
Can I search the forums?
What is Daily Active Topic List?
Can my PC store my Forum Password & User Id?
What are announcements?
Are there any censor features?
Can I search private forums?
What are archives?
What are icons?
What are moderators?
Can I become a moderator?
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Registration is required to post. New members may post in the New Member's Forum. In the Guidelines you will find info on how to get access to all of the rest of the public Silver Salon Forums. Registration is free and you are not required to post your real name. Your actual email address is required so we can send you your Forum password.
Subjects/Topics/Postings? Valuations/worth? Images/photos? Links?
So far we only have a few forum guidelines:
- Subjects/Topics/Postings need to emphasize silver or other relevant metal working like gold, copper.
- Links need to be really relevant to the forum and not used primarily to draw people away from the Silver Salon Forum.
- Images should not exceed 640 pixels in width at 72 dpi.
- No estimates, guesstimates or rendering of values. Please secure a professional appraisal or watch eBay and/or other auctions to see what something similar sells for. Click here to find an appraiser in your area.
- Posts considered commercial in nature may also be changed or deleted unless they are posted in the For Sale or Wanted to Buy forums.
Changing Your User Profile
You may easily change any info stored in your User profile using
the "profile" link located near the top of each page. Simply identify yourself by typing your username and password and all of your profile information will appear on screen. You may change any items, except your username.
Changing Your Password
You may easily change your password by editing your registration profile using the "profile" link located near the top of each page. See: Changing Your User Profile
Customizing User Preferences
As a registered Silver Salon Forum user, you may store your username and password on your disk memory for up to one year at a time. This will eliminate the need to type your user name and password every time you post a note. You also have the option of changing the default number of days back to view topics. Just click on the "prefs" link and you can make either of these settings.
Lost User Name and/or Password
Retrieving your username and password is simple. All of the pages that require you to identify yourself with your username and password carry a "lost password" link that you can use to have your username and password emailed instantly to your email address of record.
Editing Your Posts
You may edit or delete your own posts at any time. Just go to the topic where the post to be edited is located and you will see an edit icon on the line that begins "posted on..." Click on this icon to edit the post. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum moderator or the Forum Master administrator. A note is generated at the bottom of each post that is edited so that everyone knows when a post has been edited.
Attaching Files
People say what they have to say in the form of posts to a forum. Hence the system has no provision for handling attachements. You may cut and paste text into your post and use the Silver Salon UBB Code to provide hyperlinks to outside documents.
Including photos
You may include photos with your post. For details please see How to post photos
HTML coding will not work in your posts so please use Silver Salon Code Tags. Code Tags is similar to HTML, but offers just a few basic functions, such as hyperlinking, image display, bolding and italicizing. A complete list of current Codes Tags are listed here.
Adding Signatures
You may use a signature (commonly used in email messages) on your posts. This is a new feature, so if you registered previously, you may not have been queried about storing a signature. If you click on the profile link at the top of most Silver Salon Forum pages, you will be able to edit your profile, including your standard signature. Once you have a signature stored, you can choose to include it in any post you make by checking the "include signature" box when you create your post. The Silver Salon Forum's administrator may elect to turn the signature feature off at any time, however. If that is the case, the "include signature" option will not appear when you post a note, even if you have stored a signature. You may also change your signature at any time by changing your profile.
Note: You may not use HTML in your signature file, but you may use SSF Code Tags (except for the Silver Salon UBB Code Image tag).
Email Notification
If you create a new topic, you have the option of receiving an email notification every time someone posts a reply to your topic. Just check the email notification box on the "New Topic" forum when you create your new topic, if you want to use this feature.
You've probably seen others use smilies before in email messages or in other Silver Salon Forum posts. Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile :) or a frown :(. The Silver Salon Forum automatically converts certain smilies to a graphical representation. For example, if you type :o in your post, it will automatically be converted to - a shameful face. The following smilies are currently supported:
What to Type |
Emotion |
Graphic That Will Appear |
smile |  |
| frown |  |
embarrassment |  |
big grin |  |
wink |  |
razz (stick out tongue) |  |
cool |  |
| roll eyes (sarcastic) |  |
mad |  |
eek! |  |
confused |  |
camera |  |
Searching For Specific Posts
You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, user name, date, and particular forum(s). Just click on the "search" link at the top of most pages. Note: announcements are not included in the search returns.
What is the Daily Active Topic List?
When you visit the Silver Salon Forum, you will see a link at the top of the list of forums called "Daily Active Topic List". Clicking on this will provide you with a list of topics in all open (non private) forums that have been posted to that day.
Moderators control individual forums. They can edit, delete, or prune any posts in their forums. If you have a question about a particular forum, you should direct it to your forum moderator.
Want to be a moderator? Click here to find out what a Silver Salon Forum moderator does.
Can my PC store my Password & User Id
So you won't have to enter you Password & User Id please set your browser to accept cookies from the forums. If your bowser is set to accept cookies then and the Silver Salon Forums will store in your disk memory the following information:
- the last time you logged in
- your username and password
- your preferred "topic view" (if you set it in preferences)
These cookies are stored by your browser in a small file on your PC's disk. The Silver Salon does not use Cookies to track your Internet movements or perform any function other than to enhance your use of the Silver Salon Forums. If your browser does not support cookies, or you have not enabled cookies on your browser then many of these time-saving features will not work properly.
- If you authorize only 'per session' cookies then you will have to sign in each time that you wish to post to a forum.
- To enter a private forum cookies have to be enabled in your browser.
- You may delete all cookies set by the forum by clicking on the "preferences" link and then click on the "delete cookies" link.
Announcements are one-way communications from either a Silver Salon Forum moderator or administrator. There isn't a way for you to directly reply to an announcement. If you want to talk about specific announcements, you will have to create a new topic in the appropriate forum.
Censoring Posts
The Silver Salon Forum posts are being monitored to ensure that no crude or otherwise inappropriate language is used. The monitoring is done by a combination of automated tools and personal review. Depending on circumstances we may delete individual words or entire posts. Censored words are replaced with asterisks.
Can I search private forums?
Currently, only administrators and moderators can search through private forums. We do plan to support searching of private forums for other authorized users in the future.
What are archives?
Archives are read-only areas that contain topics that were previously posted to one of our forums. You may not add a reply to a topic that is in an archive. Topics in an archive may have been completely removed from the original forum where they were started, or they may still exist in their forums.
What are icons?
You may associate an icon with each post that you make. There are currently 15 icons, each expressing a different emotion or identification. These icons range from a simple note to sadness to warning. These icons appear next to each topic in a forum listing and on each post.
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